
  • Oh hey, Friday// Snapchats & Squats April 15, 2016

    Oh hey, it’s Friday! Of course you likely don’t need me to tell you that unless you live in a world where Friday does not equal the weekend. Today I’m giving you a little peak into what’s going on here in my world.1.I’ve been applying to internships for the summer and it’s an intimidating process, but I’m getting some interest. I had an interview on Tuesday and had another one…

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  • Oh hey, Friday// Snapchats & Squats April 15, 2016

    Oh hey, it’s Friday! Of course you likely don’t need me to tell you that unless you live in a world where Friday does not equal the weekend. Today I’m giving you a little peak into what’s going on here in my world.1.I’ve been applying…

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  • Why I Take Selfies with My DSLR May 19, 2015

    I’m going to be honest right off the bat. I take selfies with my DSLR camera. If you follow me on Instagram or are a consistent reader, pictures of myself have been popping up more often. That’s because I go out and take selfies with…

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  • Feeling Drawn April 13, 2015

    Isn’t it a weird sensation when you feel drawn to something? A person A place. A smell. A food. A feeling. An idea. An activity. A color. A style. A book. A song. Sometimes you feel it and you know it’s temporary. Sometimes you feel…

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