
  • Gigabody Review & Giveaway! January 26, 2015

    Believe it or not, I do not live, eat, and breathe CrossFit only. For me and my body it’s important to stay active through different ways. Typically, I like to be active by running, weightlifting, practicing yoga, and playing sports. Due to my stress fracture in my foot earlier in the fall, that has limited my ability and my choices for how to be active.  Yoga became my go-to activity.…

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  • Gigabody Review & Giveaway! January 26, 2015

    Believe it or not, I do not live, eat, and breathe CrossFit only. For me and my body it’s important to stay active through different ways. Typically, I like to be active by running, weightlifting, practicing yoga, and playing sports. Due to my stress fracture…

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