oh hey friday

  • Oh hey, Friday// Snapchats & Squats

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 15, 2016

    Oh hey, it’s Friday! Of course you likely don’t need me to tell you that unless you live in a world where Friday does not equal the weekend. Today I’m giving you a little peak into what’s going on here in my world.1.I’ve been applying to internships for the summer and it’s an intimidating process, but I’m getting some interest. I had an interview on Tuesday and had another one…

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  • Oh hey, Friday// Snapchats & Squats

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 15, 2016

    Oh hey, it’s Friday! Of course you likely don’t need me to tell you that unless you live in a world where Friday does not equal the weekend. Today I’m giving you a little peak into what’s going on here in my world.1.I’ve been applying…

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  • Oh hey, Friday //3

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 26, 2014

    Oh hey, Friday it’s nice to see you back around! 1// I’m about halfway done with student teaching. We were figuring out dates for evaluations for the rest of the semester and it’s going to fly by. This week was a great week of teaching…

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  • Oh hey, Friday //2

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 19, 2014

    Some things are just harder to write than others. I had a different post that I wanted to post today, but it needs a little more time and work. Instead I’m linking up for with Oh hey, Friday!! 1// Fog seriously fascinates me. I cannot…

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  • Oh hey, Friday!

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 12, 2014

    I’m trying a new link-up today called Oh hey, Friday! First of all, I wanted to say thanks for the positive feedback from my To Be Used For Beauty post on Monday. Now let’s get to it. Student teaching has been going great this week.…

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