New Mexico

  • It's the Little Things: Hair Ties March 14, 2013

      The subhead for this post should be “Little Things Thursday.” This week I’ve just really noticed the little things that bring extra joy into my life.  Such as: Turqouise and Silver hair ties fo free! I’m not sure what the name of these ribbon…

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  • It’s the Little Things: Hair Ties March 14, 2013

      The subhead for this post should be “Little Things Thursday.” This week I’ve just really noticed the little things that bring extra joy into my life.  Such as: Turqouise and Silver hair ties fo free! I’m not sure what the name of these ribbon…

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  • Quick Trip Home March 3, 2013

    This weekend I made a surprise trip home to watch my little sister play her last official home basketball game.  I went to my one morning grammar class on Thursday and then headed to the good ol’ dirty Curry. I definitely surprised my sister at…

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  • BBB Week 6 & Race for the Cure February 20, 2013

    This past week I completed week 6 of Best Body Bootcamp! I really can’t believe there’s only 2 weeks left and I’m already halfway through with week 7! My favorite moves from the strength C workout were: Single Arm Triceps Kickback One Arm Dumbbell Row…

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  • BBB Week 6 & Race for the Cure February 20, 2013

    This past week I completed week 6 of Best Body Bootcamp! I really can’t believe there’s only 2 weeks left and I’m already halfway through with week 7! My favorite moves from the strength C workout were: Single Arm Triceps Kickback One Arm Dumbbell Row…

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