New Mexico

  • may-june-recap

    May & June Recap July 5, 2020

    I fully intended to do a May recap shortly after the month ended, but here we are already in July! Looking back through May and June, things really got started again with the world and the pace of life definitely picked up compared to April.  CrossFit Coaching The gym opened up again in the beginning of May, so I’ve been coaching a couple CrossFit classes a day on top of…

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  • Christmas 2015 Recap December 29, 2015

    Just like that Christmas 2015 is here and gone. We had a wonderful Christmas here at home. However, the past two days we’ve been snowed in. You’ve probably seen on the weather how New Mexico and Texas have been hit hard by some snowy weather.…

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  • November Favorites November 30, 2015

    November has flown by! The past two weeks of grad school took over my life so I haven’t been blogging or posting on social media much. So today’s blog post is looking back on some of my favorites from this month. Holiday// Thanksgiving of course!!…

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  • There’s No Place Like Home September 16, 2015

    It wasn’t until I moved away to college that I realized, how dear the place that I was born and raised is to me. My home also serves as my photography muse. I know I can always go home and find beauty in something to photograph.…

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  • There's No Place Like Home September 16, 2015

    It wasn’t until I moved away to college that I realized, how dear the place that I was born and raised is to me. My home also serves as my photography muse. I know I can always go home and find beauty in something to photograph.…

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  • Weekend Happenings Vol. 1 May 25, 2015

    This past week was a little crazy. There was a lot going on with the end of school for summer and some upcoming changes in my life. So that’s why I’ve been absent and reserved in the blog world.  Happenings //I completed my first half…

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  • Why I Take Selfies with My DSLR May 19, 2015

    I’m going to be honest right off the bat. I take selfies with my DSLR camera. If you follow me on Instagram or are a consistent reader, pictures of myself have been popping up more often. That’s because I go out and take selfies with…

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  • Currently// March March 4, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Dearest Love for the March edition of Currently.  Dreaming// 3 weeks from now I’ll be on a plane headed to Austin for my first weekend of spring break. Then I’ll hop on another plane and finally get to see my boyfriend for…

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  • Coffee Date Vol. 1// Highs & Lows February 27, 2015

    Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a little coffee date. I’ll be having vanilla creamer in my coffee and maybe 1 or 2 girl scout cookies. I’ll be sitting across from you in yoga pants and a hoodie with my…

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  • Coffee Date Vol. 1// Highs & Lows February 27, 2015

    Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a little coffee date. I’ll be having vanilla creamer in my coffee and maybe 1 or 2 girl scout cookies. I’ll be sitting across from you in yoga pants and a hoodie with my…

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