
  • Guest Post// My Version of Therapy March 30, 2015

    Hello lovelies! Today’s guest post comes from Ashley! Ashley is a blogger I’ve started following recently and I already know she is someone I can reach out too whenever I need to. Ironically, the day I am getting her guest post ready happens to have been a stressful/overwhelming/meltdown day. So I’ll either be rolling out my yoga mat or grabbing my pen and notebook later tonight. I’ll stop talking so…

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  • Steamboat Ski Trip & MusicFest January 14, 2014

    For the second year in a row I went to MusicFest in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It’s 4 days of skiing and 4 afternoons and nights filled with the sounds of Texas Country Music. It’s basically a 4 day long party that combines the best of…

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  • Steamboat Ski Trip & MusicFest January 14, 2014

    For the second year in a row I went to MusicFest in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It’s 4 days of skiing and 4 afternoons and nights filled with the sounds of Texas Country Music. It’s basically a 4 day long party that combines the best of…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Music & Food Favorites August 24, 2013

    Happyyyy Saturday everyone!! I started my morning off with this yoga sequence. It only took me about 5 minutes…too fast? Probably. But it was a great way to get my body stretched and moving before a long day at recruitment workshops. And my sister and…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Music & Food Favorites August 24, 2013

    Happyyyy Saturday everyone!! I started my morning off with this yoga sequence. It only took me about 5 minutes…too fast? Probably. But it was a great way to get my body stretched and moving before a long day at recruitment workshops. And my sister and…

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  • Steamboat MusicFest 2013 January 13, 2013

    Prelude: This post is really just for me to have a general rememberance of our trip to Steamboat. There is a lot of text! It’s really not even that funny because I couldn’t even begin to cover all those candid moments. It’s just a basic…

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