
  • Memorial Weekend & Murph ’16 June 2, 2016

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons to give a recap on Memorial Weekend and Murph. This past weekend I went home to my parent’s house for Memorial weekend. I had an aunt come into town who we don’t get to see all the time, so that meant lots of family time which is always nice. Our time spent together was filled with eating and games and catching up.  Air Show On…

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  • Memorial Weekend & Murph '16 June 2, 2016

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons to give a recap on Memorial Weekend and Murph. This past weekend I went home to my parent’s house for Memorial weekend. I had an aunt come into town who we don’t get to see all the time, so that…

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  • Thinking Out Loud after Labor Day September 4, 2014

    Hello everyone! Today is Thursday so that means I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. I thought I’d catch up on a few things from Labor Day weekend through pictures with hopefully small amounts of text. Sometimes my fingers just can’t…

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  • Live in This Moment July 14, 2014

    Good morning everyone! Yesterday at church I was in charge of leading the Sunday School lesson. That mean I could choose whatever I wanted to talk about and talk to the women’s Sunday School class about it. Since there’s  a pretty large age gap between…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #4 May 22, 2014

    I’m linking up with Running With Spoons today for Thinking Out Loud! 1. My back is incredibly sore this morning. My Dad and I cleaned out troughs that we feed our cattle out of. That consisted of first removing all the tumbleweeds with a pitchfork.…

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  • Peace Out LC, Hello Vegas!! December 13, 2013

    Another semester has come to an end. Somehow I survived these past two weeks and managed to get all of my papers written and turned in.  I stayed up way too late on some nights and procrastination definitely caught up with me. My finals weeks…

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