
  • WIAW: Spaghetti Squash & Bagels August 27, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday. It’s been awhile since I last did a WIAW since my blog move, so I’m going to briefly cover the weekend and a few things from last week. For breakfast lately I’ve been really into having a green monster smoothie. It cools me off and fills me up while getting in some greens! I’ve been trying to…

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  • WIAW: Spaghetti Squash & Bagels August 27, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday. It’s been awhile since I last did a WIAW since my blog move, so I’m going to briefly cover the weekend and a few things from last week. For breakfast lately I’ve…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #3 May 15, 2014

    I’m linking up Running With Spoons for today’s Thinking Out Loud post. This is my last day of work for the university, so I’m pretty pumped about that! The woman I work under took me out to lunch at an Italian restaurant and of course…

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  • Five for Friday: I’ve Had Starbucks 4 Times This Week August 30, 2013

    1) That’s right. I have an addiction. An addiction to Starbucks. I’ve  had a drink from there every day this week, that is Monday-Thursday. So far on this Friday I’m Starbucks free. The question is will I give in or not?? Hmmm. My mom is…

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  • Five for Friday: I've Had Starbucks 4 Times This Week August 30, 2013

    1) That’s right. I have an addiction. An addiction to Starbucks. I’ve  had a drink from there every day this week, that is Monday-Thursday. So far on this Friday I’m Starbucks free. The question is will I give in or not?? Hmmm. My mom is…

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  • How Lunch With Friends Fuels my Run May 22, 2013

    Do you ever have those days where you just want to run. Need to run. Today was that day for me. It was supposed to be my running day, but I truly wanted to run today. It was a bit windy just like it always…

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