long distance

  • Spring Break of ’16

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 26, 2016

    Last Sunday I returned to school and work after being on spring break last week. I was crying internally the entire drive back to Lubbock dreading the return of school. But I already made it to the weekend! So I’m back on that grad school grind. Let’s recap spring break now. When people ask what I did on spring break I’ve been telling them “not a lot” because honestly I didn’t do much. My…

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  • Spring Break of '16

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 26, 2016

    Last Sunday I returned to school and work after being on spring break last week. I was crying internally the entire drive back to Lubbock dreading the return of school. But I already made it to the weekend! So I’m back on that grad school grind. Let’s…

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  • Atlanta// Spring Break Part 2

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 9, 2015

    Hello! We’re almost to the weekend!  I left off yesterday with my trip to Austin and with my family heading to services for my great granddad. Well we went through that time, and finally on Tuesday afternoon I was checking into the airport to fly…

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