
  • may-june-recap

    May & June Recap July 5, 2020

    I fully intended to do a May recap shortly after the month ended, but here we are already in July! Looking back through May and June, things really got started again with the world and the pace of life definitely picked up compared to April.  CrossFit Coaching The gym opened up again in the beginning of May, so I’ve been coaching a couple CrossFit classes a day on top of…

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  • January-March Recap April 10, 2020

    When I first started to write out this life recap post earlier in March things looked a lot different in the world. Halfway through March the full effects of COVID-19 hit and things slowly changed to the “stay at home” reality we live in now…

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  • The In-Between Stage March 12, 2015

    Feeling like I’m in-between has been a consistent feeling throughout my life. It always seems like there’s people who are ahead of me who have “made it.” There are others who seem a few steps behind me. There I am in the middle–the in-between stage.…

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  • Gigabody Review & Giveaway! January 26, 2015

    Believe it or not, I do not live, eat, and breathe CrossFit only. For me and my body it’s important to stay active through different ways. Typically, I like to be active by running, weightlifting, practicing yoga, and playing sports. Due to my stress fracture…

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  • Gigabody Review & Giveaway! January 26, 2015

    Believe it or not, I do not live, eat, and breathe CrossFit only. For me and my body it’s important to stay active through different ways. Typically, I like to be active by running, weightlifting, practicing yoga, and playing sports. Due to my stress fracture…

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  • Finding My Blog Identity July 8, 2014

    I’ve known for awhile that I needed to become self-hosted. This weekend bluehost was having a great deal so I new I needed to take the next step for my blog. Well I took the step and this little blonde brain didn’t think too much…

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  • Paleo, Mad Men, & The Book Thief December 30, 2013

    1. I never thought I would say that I’m trying Paleo, but I’m saying it. The credit for this decision goes fully to my Mom. We officially started our attempt at the 30 day Paleo challenge on Saturday. The idea of the Paleo diet is…

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  • Paleo, Mad Men, & The Book Thief December 30, 2013

    1. I never thought I would say that I’m trying Paleo, but I’m saying it. The credit for this decision goes fully to my Mom. We officially started our attempt at the 30 day Paleo challenge on Saturday. The idea of the Paleo diet is…

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