
  • Am I Out of the Woods Yet? September 23, 2015

    I posted this photo to my Instagram last night with the caption: Grad school has me thinking… ‘Am I out of the woods yet?’ Nope. It’s only September. And yes I just referenced Taylor Swift.   I had read a devotional that morning from “Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer + Doer” that talked about seasons in life. It seems like I blog a lot about seasons in…

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  • Weekend Happenings Vol. 1 May 25, 2015

    This past week was a little crazy. There was a lot going on with the end of school for summer and some upcoming changes in my life. So that’s why I’ve been absent and reserved in the blog world.  Happenings //I completed my first half…

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  • 10 Things I Miss About College May 14, 2015

    After spending the weekend celebrating college graduation, I wanted to share some things I miss about being in college. Though my December graduation wasn’t that long ago I’ve noticed how different it is, so I’m linking up with Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud.…

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  • The In-Between Stage March 12, 2015

    Feeling like I’m in-between has been a consistent feeling throughout my life. It always seems like there’s people who are ahead of me who have “made it.” There are others who seem a few steps behind me. There I am in the middle–the in-between stage.…

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  • From Thoughts to Words January 16, 2014

    As I was laying in bed last night before my first day back to that college grind, I mentally came to accept that this truly is my last semester of classes. Of course the semester after this one I’ll be doing student teaching, which I…

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