
  • Looking Back on 2014 December 30, 2014

    2014 was a year for the books and I still can’t believe it’s coming to a close. When I think back on 2014 I see two distinct sections of my life. Last spring was one of the funnest times in college I’ve ever had. It was my last semester with most of my sorority sisters and we lived it up (seriously though). Then summer came and went and I was…

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  • 10 Things That I Can’t Even October 21, 2014

    Today’s post is on things that “I can’t even” right now. Not familiar with the phrase? Here’s an explanation brought to you by my favorite man, Jimmy Fallon.   It’s a phrase commonly associated with white girls who literally “can’t even” use a complete sentence…

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  • 10 Things That I Can't Even October 21, 2014

    Today’s post is on things that “I can’t even” right now. Not familiar with the phrase? Here’s an explanation brought to you by my favorite man, Jimmy Fallon.   It’s a phrase commonly associated with white girls who literally “can’t even” use a complete sentence…

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  • Thinking Out Loud: I Met Jackie July 17, 2014

    It’s Thursdayyyy! Of course that means linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud!  I met Jackie on Tuesday. She’s not a nice lady. For the WOD we did 1000 meter row, 50 Thrusters with 35lb bar, then 30 pull-ups. My quads have…

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  • Birthday Weekend Recap & July Goals July 1, 2014

    So last weekend was my 22nd birthday if you didn’t realize that despite all my “birthday” posts. The CrossFit box I go to designs a special WOD whenever someone has a birthday, so Friday they made one for me. WOD: 6 Squat Cleans, 27 Box…

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  • Birthday Weekend Recap & July Goals July 1, 2014

    So last weekend was my 22nd birthday if you didn’t realize that despite all my “birthday” posts. The CrossFit box I go to designs a special WOD whenever someone has a birthday, so Friday they made one for me. WOD: 6 Squat Cleans, 27 Box…

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  • Thinking Out Loud: Cake for Breakfast June 26, 2014

    Good morning everyone! Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. Birthday cake is always acceptable for breakfast. Always. My cousins look older than me, but I’m actually the oldest one. (My sister is in the middle.) Sometimes buying the wrong…

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  • Murph & June Goals June 2, 2014

    It’s the best month of the entire year! June! Today I’ll go over some goals for June, but first let me talk about Crossfit. On Friday I went to our box for a fundraiser/cookout/workout for the Murph WOD. Being that I’m new to Crossfit I…

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  • Murph & June Goals June 2, 2014

    It’s the best month of the entire year! June! Today I’ll go over some goals for June, but first let me talk about Crossfit. On Friday I went to our box for a fundraiser/cookout/workout for the Murph WOD. Being that I’m new to Crossfit I…

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  • Memorial Weekend ’14 May 26, 2014

    As I’m sitting at home writing a blog post today I was a bit intimidated about what to write about since it is Memorial Day Weekend. While everyone is out having BBQs and playing yard games, many people today are without their loved ones. As…

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