June wedding

  • My Best Friend is Getting Married Today

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 29, 2013

    Today is the day that my best friend from kindergarten is getting married. The picture below is the bride and all of the bridesmaids for today. Right now we’re in the hotel getting massages and about to start getting ready. My sister and I had to stop for iced coffee at McDonald’s. I’m addicted. Last night was rehearsal dinner and that went really well. The barn where the wedding is…

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  • A Weekend of Firsts Part 2: Justine’s Wedding

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 18, 2013

    This past weekend I got to go to my first wedding for a sorority sister! My pledge class sister Justine got married in Lubbock this past Saturday, June 15, 2013. After my Mom and I ran on Saturday we went home and I got ready…

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