
  • may-june-recap

    May & June Recap

    skystarbuck@gmail.com July 5, 2020

    I fully intended to do a May recap shortly after the month ended, but here we are already in July! Looking back through May and June, things really got started again with the world and the pace of life definitely picked up compared to April.  CrossFit Coaching The gym opened up again in the beginning of May, so I’ve been coaching a couple CrossFit classes a day on top of…

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  • Currently // June

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 3, 2015

    I can’t believe it’s already June, but I’m so happy that it is. A lot will be going on this month like my birthday, a wedding, a CrossFit competition, and photography workshops. But before all of that happens let’s catch up. Today I’m linking up…

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  • Murph & June Goals

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 2, 2014

    It’s the best month of the entire year! June! Today I’ll go over some goals for June, but first let me talk about Crossfit. On Friday I went to our box for a fundraiser/cookout/workout for the Murph WOD. Being that I’m new to Crossfit I…

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  • Murph & June Goals

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 2, 2014

    It’s the best month of the entire year! June! Today I’ll go over some goals for June, but first let me talk about Crossfit. On Friday I went to our box for a fundraiser/cookout/workout for the Murph WOD. Being that I’m new to Crossfit I…

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  • I thought it already was summer?

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 21, 2013

    Like the title says I thought it already was summer? But I guess today is the first “official day of summer.”  I never get to excited about this day because I’m usually like “Well yeah it’s been summer since I got out of school in…

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  • June ‘13

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 2, 2013

    It’s June!! That means only 25 more days until my 21st birthday! Woo hoo! June also means two of my best friends will be married and I am a bridesmaid in both. I also have a wedding to go to the weekend before those two.…

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