
  • Christmas ’13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize and reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ. Of course I get caught up in all of the materialistic aspects of Christmas along with the…

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  • Christmas '13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize…

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  • Back to the Basics August 5, 2013

    Sometimes we all reach that point where you just have to say hold up. Why am I doing this again? I haven’t been the best blogger this month. I haven’t been the best at working out this month. Or really doing much of anything that…

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  • A good Good Friday March 30, 2013

    Fridays are always the day that my mom, sister, and me (when I’m home) go to town to run errands and mess around. So we got pedicures which is one thing I desperately needed! I usually go for pink nail polish on my toes and…

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