
  • Yoga Leggings: Gotta Let It Burn July 16, 2013

    I’ve missed my yoga leggings. During the school year I basically live in them. On weekends, weeknights, morning workouts, and sometimes to class, yoga leggings are an essential item in my wardrobe. During the summer it’s impossible to wear your yoga leggings in this New Mexico heat. If you wear them and are okay when it’s hot then you are cray. Cray I say. Well Monday when I got home…

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  • How BBB week 7 killed my arms February 25, 2013

    The title explains it. Overall, week 7 of best body bootcamp truly killed my arms. They were like jello. I had difficulties taking off my hoodies and t-shirts even. You want to see why? I’m going to show you. Strength workouts A & B had…

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