
  • Why Reunions With Your Best Friends Rock

    skystarbuck@gmail.com November 11, 2014

    This past weekend was Homecoming weekend here at NMSU. Three of my best friends who no longer live here came in for the weekend festivities. Finally, our group of 6 best girlfriends was together again. Friday night was spent hanging out in sweat pants and catching up. Saturday morning we arrived at our sorority house to watch the Homecoming parade. This time since we are alumni we got to watch…

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  • Oh hey, Friday // 4

    skystarbuck@gmail.com October 17, 2014

    Woo this week is coming to a close!! I’m linking up today for Oh hey, Friday! Here’s what is making this Friday a good day: 1// I’ll start my day with an iced coffee from the student ran cafe at school. Fridays are my day…

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