
  • The Wrecking Ball Begins Its Descent

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 19, 2013

    I cannot express how happy I am that I have a chunk of spare time to do a little blogging. Right now we were supposed to be doing bid day pictures for my chapter, but they got moved due to rainy weather. Boo! Luckily, that gave me a chance to do whatever I want…Well there is homework I could do, but I’ll do it tomorrow. Blogging is my weapon of…

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  • Fun Finds Friday May 31

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 31, 2013

    Oh hey it’s the last day of May! Lame rhyme right there. Sorry. This morning I got up and went for a good 3 mile run and then followed that up with some ab exercises. I made a peanut butter shake for breakfast with 1…

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  • End of Spring 13’ Junior Year in Pictures

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 13, 2013

    Finally, I have gotten a chance to blog again! Last week was finals and what I thought would be an easy week was jam packed with things to finish up the school year. When I did have a split second the last thing I wanted…

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