
  • Reunited & MLK weekend January 21, 2014

    Currently my life is pretty uneventful. I didn’t have school on Monday due to MLK day and I didn’t do anything noteworthy. Well I don’t have pictures anyways. Right now I don’t have homework I should be doing nor do I have  sorority events to…

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  • Reunited & MLK weekend January 21, 2014

    Currently my life is pretty uneventful. I didn’t have school on Monday due to MLK day and I didn’t do anything noteworthy. Well I don’t have pictures anyways. Right now I don’t have homework I should be doing nor do I have  sorority events to…

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  • Paleo, Mad Men, & The Book Thief December 30, 2013

    1. I never thought I would say that I’m trying Paleo, but I’m saying it. The credit for this decision goes fully to my Mom. We officially started our attempt at the 30 day Paleo challenge on Saturday. The idea of the Paleo diet is…

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  • Paleo, Mad Men, & The Book Thief December 30, 2013

    1. I never thought I would say that I’m trying Paleo, but I’m saying it. The credit for this decision goes fully to my Mom. We officially started our attempt at the 30 day Paleo challenge on Saturday. The idea of the Paleo diet is…

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  • Oh Heyy…It’s November! November 5, 2013

    Hello blog world! It’s been wayyy too long since I’ve last posted and it makes me really sad. I can’t believe it’s November and my last post was towards the end of September. Sorry October you were just too out of control for me to…

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  • I thought it already was summer? June 21, 2013

    Like the title says I thought it already was summer? But I guess today is the first “official day of summer.”  I never get to excited about this day because I’m usually like “Well yeah it’s been summer since I got out of school in…

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  • Ryan Gosling and a Green Monster May 23, 2013

    Have you seen the movie Crazy Stupid Love. If you haven’t seen it then you need to watch it. I thought I had a pretty decent crush on Ryan Gosling prior to watching the movie, but now my crush on him has skyrocketed through the…

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  • Greek Sing ‘13 and returning to normal life…sort of April 19, 2013

    Well it’s been almost three weeks since I last posted and I have definitely missed my little blog. However, I honestly haven’t had any time to blog or read any blogs. Today, I finally got to sit down and caught up on some of my…

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  • Thursday Thoughts 1 March 28, 2013

    Today is my first Thursday Thoughts post! Hopefully I have some provoking thoughts to share with you today. We’ll see how it goes… 1) I really want to change the design of my blog. I want to spice it up a little. Add some splashes…

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  • Gettin a little colorful March 26, 2013

    It makes me so happy that I have time to blog today. I think it’s something that only “bloggers” would understand. Moving on! Since I’m on Spring Break I’ve had time to cook myself breakfast in the morning. You know what that means? Protein pancakes!…

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