
  • Why I Love to Workout May 2, 2016

    If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile or if you know me in real life, then you know that I love to workout. I am obsessed with CrossFit and do it 4-5 times a week. Since starting grad school I’ve acquired a new group of friends and they have brought attention to the fact that I’m always working out. They basically make me feel like I’m the Jillian Michaels…

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  • Oh hey, Friday// Snapchats & Squats April 15, 2016

    Oh hey, it’s Friday! Of course you likely don’t need me to tell you that unless you live in a world where Friday does not equal the weekend. Today I’m giving you a little peak into what’s going on here in my world.1.I’ve been applying…

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  • Oh hey, Friday// Snapchats & Squats April 15, 2016

    Oh hey, it’s Friday! Of course you likely don’t need me to tell you that unless you live in a world where Friday does not equal the weekend. Today I’m giving you a little peak into what’s going on here in my world.1.I’ve been applying…

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  • 15.3// CrossFit Open March 16, 2015

    When I heard the announcement for the CrossFit Open 15.3, I was relieved. 14 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) 7 muscle ups, 50 wall balls (14lb ball), 100 double unders. This was something I could do, scaled version anyways. However, when I arrived…

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  • MealEnders Review & Giveaway! March 16, 2015

    I’m working with Sweat Pink today to bring you this product review on MealEnders. After a meal whether it’s lunch or supper I typically choose to end it with some kind of sweet. For me that is usually a piece of chocolate. Some days I…

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  • MealEnders Review & Giveaway! March 16, 2015

    I’m working with Sweat Pink today to bring you this product review on MealEnders. After a meal whether it’s lunch or supper I typically choose to end it with some kind of sweet. For me that is usually a piece of chocolate. Some days I…

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  • 15.1|CrossFit Open Recap March 2, 2015

    Saturday morning I went to my local CrossFit box to complete the first workout of the Open. I had watched the 15.1  announcement on Thursday night and watched Froning and Fraser go head to head. Friday I went in to find my Clean & Jerk…

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  • 15.1|CrossFit Open Recap March 2, 2015

    Saturday morning I went to my local CrossFit box to complete the first workout of the Open. I had watched the 15.1  announcement on Thursday night and watched Froning and Fraser go head to head. Friday I went in to find my Clean & Jerk…

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  • Paleo// Week 1 February 2, 2015

    This past Monday I started eating paleo as a challenge with my friends. Trying Whole 30 or eating paleo has been in the back of my head for awhile, so knowing my friends were doing this challenge was enough to convince me.  So what does…

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  • WIAW: Solo Weekend September 24, 2014

    Linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday! This weekend I spent mostly by myself so here’s an insight to what I ate and the thought processes that went into these sometimes laborious decisions. During the week I eat pretty healthy, but weekends are when…

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