healthy eating

  • Why I Started Focusing on My Nutrition May 16, 2020

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin In December 2015 I was tired of playing a guessing game of what I should be eating. I decided it was time to start Focusing on My Nutrition. I had been doing CrossFit for a year and a half. Paleo was all the rave, but was not a good time for me. The fact that you weren’t supposed to eat peanut butter or grains was…

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  • Leibster Award! April 22, 2014

    Hi everyone! I was nominated for the Leibster award by Cailee at Hello Healthy Eating! This is my first blog award so I’m super excited and thankful for this opportunity. So for today I’m answering those questions. 1. What got you interested in blogging? Once…

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