
  • Back to the Basics August 5, 2013

    Sometimes we all reach that point where you just have to say hold up. Why am I doing this again? I haven’t been the best blogger this month. I haven’t been the best at working out this month. Or really doing much of anything that…

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  • Austin Calls Out My Inner Hippie July 30, 2013

    The title says it all. I just want to move to Austin. I’ve always loved that area for some reason. Though it may be super hot and humid and I always look like a gross sweaty mess I still love it there. One thing in…

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  • A Weekend of Firsts Part 1: My First 10k Race June 16, 2013

    All this past week while I’ve been on the tractor plowing for my Dad I’ve had the radio on since there’s nothing else to do when driving. I heard up to 100 times about a local heritage day celebration in the nearby town of Portales.…

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  • How Lunch With Friends Fuels my Run May 22, 2013

    Do you ever have those days where you just want to run. Need to run. Today was that day for me. It was supposed to be my running day, but I truly wanted to run today. It was a bit windy just like it always…

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  • Jumping back on the health/fitness wagon May 16, 2013

    Well I didn’t exactly ever fall off of the wagon, but my dedication was slacking. To be honest it is really hard to eat healthy in college. Really hard. I don’t really have problems with working out because I usually get that done in the…

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  • How BBB week 7 killed my arms February 25, 2013

    The title explains it. Overall, week 7 of best body bootcamp truly killed my arms. They were like jello. I had difficulties taking off my hoodies and t-shirts even. You want to see why? I’m going to show you. Strength workouts A & B had…

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  • BBB Week 6 & Race for the Cure February 20, 2013

    This past week I completed week 6 of Best Body Bootcamp! I really can’t believe there’s only 2 weeks left and I’m already halfway through with week 7! My favorite moves from the strength C workout were: Single Arm Triceps Kickback One Arm Dumbbell Row…

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  • BBB Week 6 & Race for the Cure February 20, 2013

    This past week I completed week 6 of Best Body Bootcamp! I really can’t believe there’s only 2 weeks left and I’m already halfway through with week 7! My favorite moves from the strength C workout were: Single Arm Triceps Kickback One Arm Dumbbell Row…

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  • Hello 2013 January 2, 2013

    I really can’t believe it’s January 1st of 2013, but it is. Of course everyone knows that New Year’s Resolutions never last and that you always forget about them, so decided to start out the year by forgetting about making resolutions. I typically do make…

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