
  • 5-lessons-from-7-months-without-crossfit

    5 Lessons From 7 Months Without CrossFit June 20, 2018

    One thing that was pushed to the side when I moved to Colorado last August was CrossFit. I found a box near my new apartment and started my membership, but once the first week of school started I had to cancel. My new job was consuming my life. The little bit of time I had in the evenings needed to go to spending time with my boyfriend, eating dinner, and…

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  • November Favorites November 30, 2015

    November has flown by! The past two weeks of grad school took over my life so I haven’t been blogging or posting on social media much. So today’s blog post is looking back on some of my favorites from this month. Holiday// Thanksgiving of course!!…

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  • 5 Things I’m Passionate About September 4, 2015

    Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and if you’re anything like me then you are so glad it’s Friday! My grad school schedule has kept me a little busy this week, but I’m happy I could show up today. So…

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  • 5 Things I'm Passionate About September 4, 2015

    Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and if you’re anything like me then you are so glad it’s Friday! My grad school schedule has kept me a little busy this week, but I’m happy I could show up today. So…

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  • My First CrossFit Competition June 22, 2015

    On Saturday I competed in my first CrossFit competition! The box at home organized and made this competition happen. The coaches had been telling me that I should sign up so I did. I was nervous, yet excited to compete and see how I did.…

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  • 20 Lessons From One Year of CrossFit June 11, 2015

    As of the conclusion of May, I’ve been doing CrossFit for a little over a year now. When I first started CrossFit I had no idea how radically it would transform me physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. So I’m linking up with Running with Spoons…

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  • Why 15.2 Made Me Cry March 10, 2015

    When I saw the CrossFit Open workout for 15.2 I may or may not have said a curse word under my breath. Listed on the WOD was my CrossFit arch nemesis–Overhead Squats. Immiediately I knew I was going to be doing the scaled version which was:…

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  • Why I’m Competing in the CrossFit Open February 24, 2015

    When I started CrossFit this summer I wouldn’t have thought I would sign up for the CrossFit Open this spring. Before I go any further you may be asking: What is the CrossFit Open? According to, “The 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with…

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  • Why I'm Competing in the CrossFit Open February 24, 2015

    When I started CrossFit this summer I wouldn’t have thought I would sign up for the CrossFit Open this spring. Before I go any further you may be asking: What is the CrossFit Open? According to, “The 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with…

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  • Gigabody Review & Giveaway! January 26, 2015

    Believe it or not, I do not live, eat, and breathe CrossFit only. For me and my body it’s important to stay active through different ways. Typically, I like to be active by running, weightlifting, practicing yoga, and playing sports. Due to my stress fracture…

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