
  • Weekend Happenings // Vol. 2

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 15, 2015

    Happy Monday everyone! I’m here to share a few weekend happenings and some links! Happenings //I attended a wedding this weekend. It was a sweet, sweet ceremony and the couple looked stunning. You could tell they were completely in love.  // It’s been raining a lot at home lately. Getting rain means that my Dad and other farmers are happy, so like Luke Bryan says “Rain is a good thing.”…

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  • Weekend Happenings Vol. 1

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 25, 2015

    This past week was a little crazy. There was a lot going on with the end of school for summer and some upcoming changes in my life. So that’s why I’ve been absent and reserved in the blog world.  Happenings //I completed my first half…

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