
  • Community Brew // Seasons November 20, 2014

    I’m a little late, but I’m linking up with Rachel of Oh Simple Thoughts and Madison of Wetherills Say I Do for Community Brew. The topic for this month’s Community Brew is Seasons. Seasons. What a perfect topic for me to write about. The season…

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  • One Month From Now November 13, 2014

    I’m linking up for Thinking Out Loud today! My life hasn’t been terribly exciting lately. I’m usually think far ahead in the future whenever my mind wanders off, so let’s see my thoughts on what I’ll be doing a month from now. 1// In exactly…

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  • Wednesdays Words | Patience November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I…

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  • Wednesdays Words | Patience November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I…

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  • 10 Things That I Can't Even October 21, 2014

    Today’s post is on things that “I can’t even” right now. Not familiar with the phrase? Here’s an explanation brought to you by my favorite man, Jimmy Fallon.   It’s a phrase commonly associated with white girls who literally “can’t even” use a complete sentence…

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  • 10 Things That I Can’t Even October 21, 2014

    Today’s post is on things that “I can’t even” right now. Not familiar with the phrase? Here’s an explanation brought to you by my favorite man, Jimmy Fallon.   It’s a phrase commonly associated with white girls who literally “can’t even” use a complete sentence…

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  • Oh hey, Friday // 4 October 17, 2014

    Woo this week is coming to a close!! I’m linking up today for Oh hey, Friday! Here’s what is making this Friday a good day: 1// I’ll start my day with an iced coffee from the student ran cafe at school. Fridays are my day…

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  • I Dropped My Iced Coffee May 9, 2014

    So this happened this morning: Dropped my iced coffee right outside the door of Barnes & Noble, so the barista made me a new one for free! My day is made Luckily it was a slow morning so nobody actually saw the incident, but basically…

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  • My Sister Graduated from High School! Weekend Recap May 21, 2013

    As I mentioned in former posts my sister graduated from high school this weekend! I really can’t believe that it’s been 3 years since I graduated. I feel old. Anyways, I’m super proud of my sister and so this little post is for her. On…

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  • Jumping back on the health/fitness wagon May 16, 2013

    Well I didn’t exactly ever fall off of the wagon, but my dedication was slacking. To be honest it is really hard to eat healthy in college. Really hard. I don’t really have problems with working out because I usually get that done in the…

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