grad school

  • Currently// January 2016 January 6, 2016

    Oh hey. We’re almost a week into 2016 and I totally missed out on sharing any hopes and goals I have for 2016.  Oops. It’s mostly because I’m still making them up! So today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom to share what I’m currently up…

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  • Currently// December December 2, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the December edition of currently to share what I’m wishing, remembering, wrapping, baking and decorating lately. Wishing// I’m wishing I didn’t have whatever quality that makes me procrastinate. Stress from finals is weighing down on me this week. The coffee and…

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  • November Favorites November 30, 2015

    November has flown by! The past two weeks of grad school took over my life so I haven’t been blogging or posting on social media much. So today’s blog post is looking back on some of my favorites from this month. Holiday// Thanksgiving of course!!…

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  • Currently// November November 4, 2015

      Hello. It’s me. I’m tempted to bust out the rest of Adele’s “hello” lyrics but they don’t relate so I’m going to stop. Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the November edition of currently to share what I have been cooking, planning, smelling,…

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  • Coffee Date// Vol.7 October 23, 2015

    Hello there!! It’s Friday so grab your cup of coffee and join me for a little coffee date hosted by Jenna from Gold and Bloom. To be real I never sit on my white bedding to drink my coffee. That’s potentially a really dangerous situation, but it makes…

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  • Currently// October October 7, 2015

    Good morning! Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the October edition of currently to share what I have been eating, exploring, wearing, admiring and collecting lately. Eating// I’ve been eating lots of protein, dairy and coffee (I guess that’s drinking, but whatevs). I’ve changed my…

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  • Am I Out of the Woods Yet? September 23, 2015

    I posted this photo to my Instagram last night with the caption: Grad school has me thinking… ‘Am I out of the woods yet?’ Nope. It’s only September. And yes I just referenced Taylor Swift.   I had read a devotional that morning from “Thirty…

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  • 5 Things I’m Passionate About September 4, 2015

    Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and if you’re anything like me then you are so glad it’s Friday! My grad school schedule has kept me a little busy this week, but I’m happy I could show up today. So…

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  • 5 Things I'm Passionate About September 4, 2015

    Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and if you’re anything like me then you are so glad it’s Friday! My grad school schedule has kept me a little busy this week, but I’m happy I could show up today. So…

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  • Coffee Date // Vol. 6 August 28, 2015

      Hi everyone!! I know I haven’t been in the blogging world lately, but I think I’m beginning to resurface and hopefully get back to blogging consistently. Grab your cup of coffee and join me for a little coffee date hosted by Jenna from Gold and…

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