
  • Emily Ley’s Simplified Planner //Giveaway December 18, 2014

      Hi everyone!! This weekend has been a wild whirlwind and carried over to these past couple of days. I’ll catch y’all up on my life later, but first I have an exciting giveaway to tell you all about! Without further ado…. The Christmas Season is such a spirit filled, cozy time of the year, but there is nothing quite as refreshing as a new year and new plans. There’s…

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  • Emily Ley's Simplified Planner //Giveaway December 18, 2014

      Hi everyone!! This weekend has been a wild whirlwind and carried over to these past couple of days. I’ll catch y’all up on my life later, but first I have an exciting giveaway to tell you all about! Without further ado…. The Christmas Season…

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