
  • Uncovering the Ashes September 22, 2014

    Some things aren’t pleasant or easy to write about. Some things make you afraid to hit the publish button. Some things you know you have to get out. So today I’m wading into deeper waters… I’ve been doing the Ruth Gospel of Grace bible study from Life Lived Beautifully. This study has hit home with me. It has allowed me to start dusting off the ashes from the past to…

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  • Oh hey, Friday //2 September 19, 2014

    Some things are just harder to write than others. I had a different post that I wanted to post today, but it needs a little more time and work. Instead I’m linking up for with Oh hey, Friday!! 1// Fog seriously fascinates me. I cannot…

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  • Oh hey, Friday! September 12, 2014

    I’m trying a new link-up today called Oh hey, Friday! First of all, I wanted to say thanks for the positive feedback from my To Be Used For Beauty post on Monday. Now let’s get to it. Student teaching has been going great this week.…

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  • Recruitment & Rain September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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  • Recruitment & Rain September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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