
  • Paleo, Mad Men, & The Book Thief December 30, 2013

    1. I never thought I would say that I’m trying Paleo, but I’m saying it. The credit for this decision goes fully to my Mom. We officially started our attempt at the 30 day Paleo challenge on Saturday. The idea of the Paleo diet is…

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  • Christmas '13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize…

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  • Christmas ’13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize…

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  • Oh Heyy…It’s November! November 5, 2013

    Hello blog world! It’s been wayyy too long since I’ve last posted and it makes me really sad. I can’t believe it’s November and my last post was towards the end of September. Sorry October you were just too out of control for me to…

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  • The Wrecking Ball Begins Its Descent September 19, 2013

    I cannot express how happy I am that I have a chunk of spare time to do a little blogging. Right now we were supposed to be doing bid day pictures for my chapter, but they got moved due to rainy weather. Boo! Luckily, that…

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  • Headphones In, No Music Out August 7, 2013

    Tuesday morning I got up. Put on my running clothes, grabbed my iPod and headphones and went out the door to go for a run. While I was waiting for my GPS watch to prepare itself, I got this feeling that I wasn’t supposed to…

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  • Back to the Basics August 5, 2013

    Sometimes we all reach that point where you just have to say hold up. Why am I doing this again? I haven’t been the best blogger this month. I haven’t been the best at working out this month. Or really doing much of anything that…

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  • Austin Calls Out My Inner Hippie July 30, 2013

    The title says it all. I just want to move to Austin. I’ve always loved that area for some reason. Though it may be super hot and humid and I always look like a gross sweaty mess I still love it there. One thing in…

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  • Yoga Leggings: Gotta Let It Burn July 16, 2013

    I’ve missed my yoga leggings. During the school year I basically live in them. On weekends, weeknights, morning workouts, and sometimes to class, yoga leggings are an essential item in my wardrobe. During the summer it’s impossible to wear your yoga leggings in this New…

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  • French Toast & Yellow Labs July 12, 2013

    I finally got myself up at 7 this morning! Even though it was the second alarm that morning that went off. I typically just dismiss the alarm and go back to sleep till 8. My body will have a rude awakening once school starts back…

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