first year teacher

  • 20 Lessons from My First Year Teaching June 8, 2015

    In January I started my first real teaching job. I was a broadcast journalism/media teacher at a high school this past spring semester and my students ranged from freshman to seniors. In my short, but long first 5 months of teaching I learned A LOT! So before I forget I thought I would share 20 lessons from my first teaching job. 1. You really do have to be mean starting…

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  • Guest Post// Helpful Tips for Communicating with Parents April 3, 2015

    Hiiii! Today’s guest post comes from Abby from Winstead Wandering! Abby is an Oregonian turned Mississippian, teaching high school Business and Technology. Abby’s guest post talks about communicating with parents. Not only is Abby helping my readers, but this post is great for me as…

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