
  • Looking Back on 2015 December 31, 2015

    When I reflect on the year 2015 I think of it as the year I became a full adult, but then a few months later I said “nah, nevermind”. 2015 was a big year for me with a lot of changes. I had my first adult job, moved home, moved to Lubbock, and started graduate school. My blog has become like an online journal for me, so I really value…

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  • There’s No Place Like Home September 16, 2015

    It wasn’t until I moved away to college that I realized, how dear the place that I was born and raised is to me. My home also serves as my photography muse. I know I can always go home and find beauty in something to photograph.…

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  • There's No Place Like Home September 16, 2015

    It wasn’t until I moved away to college that I realized, how dear the place that I was born and raised is to me. My home also serves as my photography muse. I know I can always go home and find beauty in something to photograph.…

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  • Weekend Happenings // Vol. 2 June 15, 2015

    Happy Monday everyone! I’m here to share a few weekend happenings and some links! Happenings //I attended a wedding this weekend. It was a sweet, sweet ceremony and the couple looked stunning. You could tell they were completely in love.  // It’s been raining a…

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  • Currently // June June 3, 2015

    I can’t believe it’s already June, but I’m so happy that it is. A lot will be going on this month like my birthday, a wedding, a CrossFit competition, and photography workshops. But before all of that happens let’s catch up. Today I’m linking up…

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  • 11 Realizations About Small Town Life December 1, 2014

    This past week I went home for Thanksgiving and am now reflecting on my time there. I grew up on a farm, near what most people would refer to as a small town. Small town farm life is like no other and when compared with…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #4 May 22, 2014

    I’m linking up with Running With Spoons today for Thinking Out Loud! 1. My back is incredibly sore this morning. My Dad and I cleaned out troughs that we feed our cattle out of. That consisted of first removing all the tumbleweeds with a pitchfork.…

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