
  • Thinking Out Loud: Cake for Breakfast June 26, 2014

    Good morning everyone! Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. Birthday cake is always acceptable for breakfast. Always. My cousins look older than me, but I’m actually the oldest one. (My sister is in the middle.) Sometimes buying the wrong…

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  • Austin Part 2: My Home Away From Home June 16, 2014

    If you know me well or have been following my blog for awhile, you may now that I have a love for south Texas. (Last summer’s blog: Austin Calls Out My Inner Hippie.)  I’m particularly fond of Austin and always leave anticipating the day that…

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  • Christmas ’13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize…

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  • Christmas '13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize…

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  • Hello September: Labor Day ‘13 September 2, 2013

    Once again I’m shocked to see that September has already arrived!! I don’t know why I’m always surprised when a new month comes upon us. I use a calendar and see the days going by, so I should be ready for a new month every…

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  • Texas Trip Part Dos July 28, 2013

    So sadly on Sunday  we made our way home from Texas. I always have mixed feelings about returning from trips. I know I’m not the only one who wishes they didn’t have to return home from vacation sometimes. Continuing from my former post Texas Trip:…

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  • My Sister Graduated from High School! Weekend Recap May 21, 2013

    As I mentioned in former posts my sister graduated from high school this weekend! I really can’t believe that it’s been 3 years since I graduated. I feel old. Anyways, I’m super proud of my sister and so this little post is for her. On…

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  • Thursday Thoughts 1 March 28, 2013

    Today is my first Thursday Thoughts post! Hopefully I have some provoking thoughts to share with you today. We’ll see how it goes… 1) I really want to change the design of my blog. I want to spice it up a little. Add some splashes…

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  • Christmas Through My Phone Camera December 30, 2012

    I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and do a recap of Christmas! I honestly can’t believe it’s already over. I came home Saturday to no more Christmas tree, decorations, or lights. It was sad for a moment. Christmas music will now go off…

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  • Two More Days Until Christmas! December 23, 2012

    Happy Saturday night!! Just two more days until Christmas! So that’s me. I am in the blonde in black. I know that picture is definitely high quality obviously haha not! Anyways, I was having some short-lived fun with my web-cam. You will probably be seeing…

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