
  • Guest Post/How I Spent My Early 20’s Wrong

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 25, 2015

    Hii Party People!! I thought that was an appropriate intro for my guest poster today, Kelsey! Kelsey’s sense of humor cracks me up and luckily you will get a sense of that today. In her post she talks about not fitting the mold of a 20-something. I’m going to warn you now reading this may bring you over to the “weird side” of 20-somethings with me and Kelsey…Enjoy! Hello Blonde Freedom…

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  • Guest Post/How I Spent My Early 20's Wrong

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 25, 2015

    Hii Party People!! I thought that was an appropriate intro for my guest poster today, Kelsey! Kelsey’s sense of humor cracks me up and luckily you will get a sense of that today. In her post she talks about not fitting the mold of a 20-something.…

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