
  • Austin Part 2: My Home Away From Home June 16, 2014

    If you know me well or have been following my blog for awhile, you may now that I have a love for south Texas. (Last summer’s blog: Austin Calls Out My Inner Hippie.)  I’m particularly fond of Austin and always leave anticipating the day that I can return. As my blog post name says, Austin is my home away from home. My hippie side always comes out in full force…

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  • County Fairs, Dairy Heifers, & Donuts August 17, 2013

    ***WARNING: This post contains only one healthy food item. The other items in this post are very unhealthy. Proceed with caution if unhealthy food impairs you if you visually see it.*** I have been absent from the blogging world lately, since I last blogged last…

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  • County Fairs, Dairy Heifers, & Donuts August 17, 2013

    ***WARNING: This post contains only one healthy food item. The other items in this post are very unhealthy. Proceed with caution if unhealthy food impairs you if you visually see it.*** I have been absent from the blogging world lately, since I last blogged last…

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