
  • WIAW #4 Mom’s Birthday

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 25, 2014

    It’s a foggy morning here as I’m constructing this blog post and it’s Wednesday so that means I’m linking up with Peas and Crayons for: On a foggy morning I always crave something warm, so oatmeal was my breakfast of choice. And if you’re really curious you could probably zoom in and read my to-do list. It’ll blow your mind. Actually if you can even read my handwriting you’re doing…

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  • WIAW #4 Mom's Birthday

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 25, 2014

    It’s a foggy morning here as I’m constructing this blog post and it’s Wednesday so that means I’m linking up with Peas and Crayons for: On a foggy morning I always crave something warm, so oatmeal was my breakfast of choice. And if you’re really…

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  • 5 on Friday: Cake & Fro-yo

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 4, 2014

    1. We got cake today at work and I’m not sad about it. I had fro-yo for dinner too on Wednesday with my sister. Lots of healthy eating going on over here lately. Oh wait…I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast every day. Oatmeal is…

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  • 5 on Friday: Cake & Fro-yo

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 4, 2014

    1. We got cake today at work and I’m not sad about it. I had fro-yo for dinner too on Wednesday with my sister. Lots of healthy eating going on over here lately. Oh wait…I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast every day. Oatmeal is…

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