
  • Guest Post// Anything or Everything March 23, 2015

    Hello! Today’s guest post comes from Dani who blogs at The Postcard Journals. She just graduated from a small university in Georgia where she was a Zeta (yayyy for being Zeta sisters). She is now teaching English in Luang Prabang, Laos. I greatly admire this girl’s brave and adventurous spirit.  Today Dani talks about the post-grad struggle that I definitely relate to. Enjoy! “You can do anything, but not everything” –David Allen I hate this…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #2 May 8, 2014

    I”m linking up with Running With Spoons for today’s Thinking Out Loud post. I’m done with all of my work with finals!!! I just have to go to class tonight and meet with my photography professor tomorrow. I feel like I’m on summer break because…

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