
  • Coffee Date// Vol. 4 May 29, 2015

    Grab your cup of coffee and join me for a little coffee date hosted by Jenna from Gold and Bloom. Excuse me while I get an oreo to dip into my coffee since it’s Friday.   //Lows If you ask about my teaching job and…

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  • Murph Recap ’15 May 27, 2015

    Monday I joined my hometown CrossFit box for the annual Murph challenge. If you follow many CrossFitters or even fitness nuts you’ve probably seen this workout a lot from this past Memorial weekend. Don’t know what Murph is? Here’s an explanation from  In memory…

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  • Murph Recap '15 May 27, 2015

    Monday I joined my hometown CrossFit box for the annual Murph challenge. If you follow many CrossFitters or even fitness nuts you’ve probably seen this workout a lot from this past Memorial weekend. Don’t know what Murph is? Here’s an explanation from  In memory…

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  • April Favorites May 1, 2015

    As of today April has officially come to an end. Let’s take a look at some of my favorites from this busy month! Outfit// First things first I’m not a fashion blogger, but sometimes I try. If you know me you know I love to wear…

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  • Day in the Life of a High School Teacher April 29, 2015

    For today’s post I’d like to give you a peak into what a day in my life looks like. As most of you already know I’m a high school broadcast journalism teacher. I also refer to myself as the media teacher. It’s easier to say.…

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  • 15.3// CrossFit Open March 16, 2015

    When I heard the announcement for the CrossFit Open 15.3, I was relieved. 14 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) 7 muscle ups, 50 wall balls (14lb ball), 100 double unders. This was something I could do, scaled version anyways. However, when I arrived…

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  • Why 15.2 Made Me Cry March 10, 2015

    When I saw the CrossFit Open workout for 15.2 I may or may not have said a curse word under my breath. Listed on the WOD was my CrossFit arch nemesis–Overhead Squats. Immiediately I knew I was going to be doing the scaled version which was:…

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  • 15.1|CrossFit Open Recap March 2, 2015

    Saturday morning I went to my local CrossFit box to complete the first workout of the Open. I had watched the 15.1  announcement on Thursday night and watched Froning and Fraser go head to head. Friday I went in to find my Clean & Jerk…

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  • 15.1|CrossFit Open Recap March 2, 2015

    Saturday morning I went to my local CrossFit box to complete the first workout of the Open. I had watched the 15.1  announcement on Thursday night and watched Froning and Fraser go head to head. Friday I went in to find my Clean & Jerk…

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  • Why I’m Competing in the CrossFit Open February 24, 2015

    When I started CrossFit this summer I wouldn’t have thought I would sign up for the CrossFit Open this spring. Before I go any further you may be asking: What is the CrossFit Open? According to, “The 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with…

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