CrossFit Open

  • 15.3// CrossFit Open March 16, 2015

    When I heard the announcement for the CrossFit Open 15.3, I was relieved. 14 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) 7 muscle ups, 50 wall balls (14lb ball), 100 double unders. This was something I could do, scaled version anyways. However, when I arrived at my box Friday afternoon to complete my 15.3, I was a bit disappointed. Since I can’t do muscle ups I already knew I would…

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  • Why 15.2 Made Me Cry March 10, 2015

    When I saw the CrossFit Open workout for 15.2 I may or may not have said a curse word under my breath. Listed on the WOD was my CrossFit arch nemesis–Overhead Squats. Immiediately I knew I was going to be doing the scaled version which was:…

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  • Coffee Date Vol. 1// Highs & Lows February 27, 2015

    Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a little coffee date. I’ll be having vanilla creamer in my coffee and maybe 1 or 2 girl scout cookies. I’ll be sitting across from you in yoga pants and a hoodie with my…

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  • Coffee Date Vol. 1// Highs & Lows February 27, 2015

    Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a little coffee date. I’ll be having vanilla creamer in my coffee and maybe 1 or 2 girl scout cookies. I’ll be sitting across from you in yoga pants and a hoodie with my…

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  • Why I’m Competing in the CrossFit Open February 24, 2015

    When I started CrossFit this summer I wouldn’t have thought I would sign up for the CrossFit Open this spring. Before I go any further you may be asking: What is the CrossFit Open? According to, “The 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with…

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  • Why I'm Competing in the CrossFit Open February 24, 2015

    When I started CrossFit this summer I wouldn’t have thought I would sign up for the CrossFit Open this spring. Before I go any further you may be asking: What is the CrossFit Open? According to, “The 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with…

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  • Paleo// Week 1 February 2, 2015

    This past Monday I started eating paleo as a challenge with my friends. Trying Whole 30 or eating paleo has been in the back of my head for awhile, so knowing my friends were doing this challenge was enough to convince me.  So what does…

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  • January Favorites January 30, 2015

    I can’t believe January has come and gone, but that’s how it always goes isn’t it. January truly has been a month of “new” for me. So I’m going to share with you some favorites from this month. Job//I got a new job! I’m the new…

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