
  • Why I’m Still Struggling with Blogging April 28, 2015

    Earlier in the year I wrote about how I was struggling with blogging. The inspiration to write blog posts wasn’t coming. It was a struggle to come up with content to write about on my blog. It was frustrating. Fast forward to the present and I’m still struggling with blogging only it’s almost the opposite. I have way too many things that I want to blog about that I’m having…

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  • Why I'm Still Struggling with Blogging April 28, 2015

    Earlier in the year I wrote about how I was struggling with blogging. The inspiration to write blog posts wasn’t coming. It was a struggle to come up with content to write about on my blog. It was frustrating. Fast forward to the present and…

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  • Feeling Drawn April 13, 2015

    Isn’t it a weird sensation when you feel drawn to something? A person A place. A smell. A food. A feeling. An idea. An activity. A color. A style. A book. A song. Sometimes you feel it and you know it’s temporary. Sometimes you feel…

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  • Coffee Date Vol. 1// Highs & Lows February 27, 2015

    Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a little coffee date. I’ll be having vanilla creamer in my coffee and maybe 1 or 2 girl scout cookies. I’ll be sitting across from you in yoga pants and a hoodie with my…

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  • Coffee Date Vol. 1// Highs & Lows February 27, 2015

    Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a little coffee date. I’ll be having vanilla creamer in my coffee and maybe 1 or 2 girl scout cookies. I’ll be sitting across from you in yoga pants and a hoodie with my…

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