
  • Austin Trip Summer 2015 July 31, 2015

    We got back from our Austin trip on Monday after a week of being gone. I took so many photos that posting a recap has been intimidating me. That’s why it’s taken so long for anything to appear on my blog. But here I am back with a recap and way too many photos.  Our first stop was in Austin where my uncle, his wife, and 3 year old boy…

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  • Austin Part 2: My Home Away From Home June 16, 2014

    If you know me well or have been following my blog for awhile, you may now that I have a love for south Texas. (Last summer’s blog: Austin Calls Out My Inner Hippie.)  I’m particularly fond of Austin and always leave anticipating the day that…

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  • County Fairs, Dairy Heifers, & Donuts August 17, 2013

    ***WARNING: This post contains only one healthy food item. The other items in this post are very unhealthy. Proceed with caution if unhealthy food impairs you if you visually see it.*** I have been absent from the blogging world lately, since I last blogged last…

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  • County Fairs, Dairy Heifers, & Donuts August 17, 2013

    ***WARNING: This post contains only one healthy food item. The other items in this post are very unhealthy. Proceed with caution if unhealthy food impairs you if you visually see it.*** I have been absent from the blogging world lately, since I last blogged last…

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  • Texas Trip: Es Pretty Good July 26, 2013

    Monday morning my Mom, sister, and I left to head down to the Austin, TX area to visit family for the week. My Mom is an McDonald’s iced coffee addict (as am I) so we didn’t get far down the road before we had to…

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  • Christmas Through My Phone Camera December 30, 2012

    I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and do a recap of Christmas! I honestly can’t believe it’s already over. I came home Saturday to no more Christmas tree, decorations, or lights. It was sad for a moment. Christmas music will now go off…

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