
  • Post-Thanksgiving ’13 Recap & Fall Confessions Part 2 November 30, 2013

     Thanksgiving was great. I am so very blessed and I could make a list about what all I’m thankful for, but I think we’re all over that stuff. I’m not going to bore you with a picture from Thanksgiving dinner  because well I think none of us want to even think about Thanksgiving until next July. But I did make some delicious pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I got…

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  • Post-Thanksgiving '13 Recap & Fall Confessions Part 2 November 30, 2013

     Thanksgiving was great. I am so very blessed and I could make a list about what all I’m thankful for, but I think we’re all over that stuff. I’m not going to bore you with a picture from Thanksgiving dinner  because well I think none…

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