
  • Currently // December December 3, 2014

    Happy December and Wednesday everyone! Today I’m linking up with Jenna and Anne for the Currently linkup! Making// Hot Chocolate. I’ve been drinking hot chocolate more than ever before. I have at least one cup before I go to bed at night. Listening// All Christmas…

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  • 11 Realizations About Small Town Life December 1, 2014

    This past week I went home for Thanksgiving and am now reflecting on my time there. I grew up on a farm, near what most people would refer to as a small town. Small town farm life is like no other and when compared with…

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  • Thanksgiving + 4 Facts Survey November 28, 2014

    Hello! I hope everyone had a marvelous Thanksgiving and thank you for taking the time to read my blog today! I had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with my family and of course ate way too much. It was a great day filled with lot of…

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  • Community Brew // Seasons November 20, 2014

    I’m a little late, but I’m linking up with Rachel of Oh Simple Thoughts and Madison of Wetherills Say I Do for Community Brew. The topic for this month’s Community Brew is Seasons. Seasons. What a perfect topic for me to write about. The season…

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  • Understanding the Netflix Binge November 17, 2014

    I had never really understood where people found the time or desire to spend hours watching Netflix. This act is commonly known as a “Netflix Binge.” Throughout college I didn’t even have time to watch TV. Honestly I didn’t. I always had homework to be…

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  • One Month From Now November 13, 2014

    I’m linking up for Thinking Out Loud today! My life hasn’t been terribly exciting lately. I’m usually think far ahead in the future whenever my mind wanders off, so let’s see my thoughts on what I’ll be doing a month from now. 1// In exactly…

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  • Why Reunions With Your Best Friends Rock November 11, 2014

    This past weekend was Homecoming weekend here at NMSU. Three of my best friends who no longer live here came in for the weekend festivities. Finally, our group of 6 best girlfriends was together again. Friday night was spent hanging out in sweat pants and…

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  • Wednesdays Words | Patience November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I…

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  • Wednesdays Words | Patience November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I…

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  • Hemp Hearts Energy Balls October 27, 2014

    Looking for a healthy bite sized snack that will satisfy your sweet tooth without killing your healthy eating? Then I have the perfect recipe for you today! A few weeks ago I received a package of Manitoba Hemp Hearts to review through being a Sweat…

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