
  • Coffee Date// Vol. 4 May 29, 2015

    Grab your cup of coffee and join me for a little coffee date hosted by Jenna from Gold and Bloom. Excuse me while I get an oreo to dip into my coffee since it’s Friday.   //Lows If you ask about my teaching job and…

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  • 10 Things I Miss About College May 14, 2015

    After spending the weekend celebrating college graduation, I wanted to share some things I miss about being in college. Though my December graduation wasn’t that long ago I’ve noticed how different it is, so I’m linking up with Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud.…

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  • All My Friends Graduated May 12, 2015

    This past weekend my last two best friends graduated from college. So that means we’re all college graduates! This time last year we were freaking out because about half or our group graduated and was moving away while the rest of us had to finish our…

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  • Currently// May May 6, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the May edition of Currently. Designing// A life that I love. I often let stereotypical expectations of what I think I should be doing get in the way of what I truly, deep down want…

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  • Guest Post// Anything or Everything March 23, 2015

    Hello! Today’s guest post comes from Dani who blogs at The Postcard Journals. She just graduated from a small university in Georgia where she was a Zeta (yayyy for being Zeta sisters). She is now teaching English in Luang Prabang, Laos. I greatly admire this girl’s brave and adventurous…

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  • Being Content Where You Are February 6, 2015

    Content. kənˈtent/ in a state of peaceful happiness. a state of satisfaction. When I saw the February prompt for the Peony Project monthly link-up, I kind of brushed it off. I wanted to link-up, but I didn’t want to write about being content.  Last fall I…

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  • Looking Back on 2014 December 30, 2014

    2014 was a year for the books and I still can’t believe it’s coming to a close. When I think back on 2014 I see two distinct sections of my life. Last spring was one of the funnest times in college I’ve ever had. It…

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  • Oh hey, Friday//Graduation Recap December 19, 2014

    Hi everyone! I’ve been a little MIA this week after a busy graduation weekend that carried over a few days into this week! I’m finally home for Christmas and wanted to do a recap of graduation. So I’m linking up with September Farm and The…

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  • Thoughts on Graduation December 11, 2014

    I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud to share my thoughts during graduation. For the last time I’ll say that I’m graduating on Saturday!!! I have a ceremony with the college of education on Friday and my parents come into town…

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  • My Last Week as a College Student December 8, 2014

    This is my last week as a college student. This is my last Monday. As everyone is studying and having mental break downs about finals I’ll be trying to keep myself busy. I submitted my final assignment on Sunday and all that stands between me…

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