
  • Christmas 2015 Recap December 29, 2015

    Just like that Christmas 2015 is here and gone. We had a wonderful Christmas here at home. However, the past two days we’ve been snowed in. You’ve probably seen on the weather how New Mexico and Texas have been hit hard by some snowy weather. Sunday was spent inside hiding from the 50+mph winds and the snow blowing in.  Here’s just one image of what it looked like out Monday.…

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  • Christmas Survey 2015 December 23, 2015

    Hello! Christmas is almost here!! I get real nostalgic and romantic about the idea of Christmas. I just love it. I had been wanting to write a Christmas-ish blog post, but didn’t know how to approach it. Kiki from Unlocking Kiki posted this Christmas quiz…

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  • Currently// December December 2, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the December edition of currently to share what I’m wishing, remembering, wrapping, baking and decorating lately. Wishing// I’m wishing I didn’t have whatever quality that makes me procrastinate. Stress from finals is weighing down on me this week. The coffee and…

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  • Christmas 2014 December 29, 2014

    Christmas 2014 was a wonderful time spent with lots of family. As I get older the gifts aren’t as important as they were to me when I was little. Now I cherish and enjoy the time I spend with my family so much more and…

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  • Have a Merry Christmas! December 23, 2014

    I’ve been sitting here since Sunday puzzled over what I could possibly blog about that people would want to read during Christmas week. Gift guides have been overdone. I don’t qualify as “adult” enough to have to cook for any of our meals so I…

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  • Currently // December December 3, 2014

    Happy December and Wednesday everyone! Today I’m linking up with Jenna and Anne for the Currently linkup! Making// Hot Chocolate. I’ve been drinking hot chocolate more than ever before. I have at least one cup before I go to bed at night. Listening// All Christmas…

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  • Christmas ’13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize…

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  • Christmas '13 December 26, 2013

    Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears. To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize…

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  • Christmas Through My Phone Camera December 30, 2012

    I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and do a recap of Christmas! I honestly can’t believe it’s already over. I came home Saturday to no more Christmas tree, decorations, or lights. It was sad for a moment. Christmas music will now go off…

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  • Two More Days Until Christmas! December 23, 2012

    Happy Saturday night!! Just two more days until Christmas! So that’s me. I am in the blonde in black. I know that picture is definitely high quality obviously haha not! Anyways, I was having some short-lived fun with my web-cam. You will probably be seeing…

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