
  • Weekend in Pictures\\ Pumpkins & Horchata September 30, 2014

    This weekend I went to Roswell to meet up with my mom and my best friend from high school along with her mom. It was a nice get away for me since my life has been a little more lame than it used to be. Anyways I’m going to give you some pictures from the weekend and try to keep it short and sweet. Try is the key word. Saturday…

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  • Weekend in Pictures\\ Pumpkins & Horchata September 30, 2014

    This weekend I went to Roswell to meet up with my mom and my best friend from high school along with her mom. It was a nice get away for me since my life has been a little more lame than it used to be.…

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  • 5 on Friday: The Day I Just Ate Chocolate April 11, 2014

    1.  Chocolate. On Wednesday it seemed like all I ate was chocolate. I did get in some oatmeal at breakfast, but it went downhill after that. After doing an interview I decided to stop by a few shops near the area I was in. The…

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  • Life Lately: Bagels & Skiing February 19, 2014

    There’s really no good reason I haven’t blogged lately except that life just happens and I just found myself wanting to do other things with my spare time than blog. Things like sleeping and eating. 1. Paleo At the beginning of the year my Mom…

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  • Life Lately: Bagels & Skiing February 19, 2014

    There’s really no good reason I haven’t blogged lately except that life just happens and I just found myself wanting to do other things with my spare time than blog. Things like sleeping and eating. 1. Paleo At the beginning of the year my Mom…

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  • Valentine’s Love & Gory Movies February 16, 2013

    To be honest I really don’t know why “Valentine’s Love & Gory Movies” is my title. That’s just what my fingers typed. So I went through pictures on my phone and I have a lot of pictures on there. I think today’s post will just…

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  • Valentine's Love & Gory Movies February 16, 2013

    To be honest I really don’t know why “Valentine’s Love & Gory Movies” is my title. That’s just what my fingers typed. So I went through pictures on my phone and I have a lot of pictures on there. I think today’s post will just…

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