
  • Why 15.2 Made Me Cry March 10, 2015

    When I saw the CrossFit Open workout for 15.2 I may or may not have said a curse word under my breath. Listed on the WOD was my CrossFit arch nemesis–Overhead Squats. Immiediately I knew I was going to be doing the scaled version which was: Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00   2 rounds of:   6 overhead squats (65 / 45 lb.)   6 chin-over-bar pull-ups (If…

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  • Paleo// Week 1 February 2, 2015

    This past Monday I started eating paleo as a challenge with my friends. Trying Whole 30 or eating paleo has been in the back of my head for awhile, so knowing my friends were doing this challenge was enough to convince me.  So what does…

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  • And It Begins: Crossfit May 28, 2014

    My love for Crossfit has officially begun and I’ve only been twice. I mentioned in my Monday blog post that my mom and I went to a Crossfit fundamentals class on Saturday. Yesterday, we returned and were able to join in with a regular Crossfit…

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