
  • Paleo// Week 2 & Weekend

    skystarbuck@gmail.com February 11, 2015

    Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday to share about another week of eating paleo and my weekend! I did make it through a second week of eating paleo. My menu was pretty similar to last week, except I tried turkey burgers this week and they weren’t as yummy as I had hoped. Here’s a pretty close look at what my everyday looked like.  Breakfast: 2 Scrambled eggs, sausage,…

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  • Paleo// Week 2 & Weekend

    skystarbuck@gmail.com February 11, 2015

    Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday to share about another week of eating paleo and my weekend! I did make it through a second week of eating paleo. My menu was pretty similar to last week, except I tried turkey burgers this…

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  • WIAW 1: I Want All the Things

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 14, 2014

    I’m officially participating in my first What I Ate Wednesday!! This definitely does not cover a day of eats, but is more like a collection of random things throughout the past week. This is probably one of the most unhealthy WIAW’s too! I’ll get better…

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  • Being Fast Pays Off

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 22, 2013

    This week my sister and I moved back to our university town for the start of a new semester. The internet hasn’t been working at our apartment yet, so times have been hard without it. You really don’t realize how much you depend upon internet…

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