
  • Christmas 2015 Recap December 29, 2015

    Just like that Christmas 2015 is here and gone. We had a wonderful Christmas here at home. However, the past two days we’ve been snowed in. You’ve probably seen on the weather how New Mexico and Texas have been hit hard by some snowy weather. Sunday was spent inside hiding from the 50+mph winds and the snow blowing in.  Here’s just one image of what it looked like out Monday.…

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  • Day in the Life of a Graduate Student November 11, 2015

    Happy Friday everyone! Today I wanted to give y’all a glimpse into what a typical day for me looks like as a graduate student. Honestly please don’t hate me for having such an “easy” life. This is what my day looks like two times a week. …

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  • One Month From Now November 13, 2014

    I’m linking up for Thinking Out Loud today! My life hasn’t been terribly exciting lately. I’m usually think far ahead in the future whenever my mind wanders off, so let’s see my thoughts on what I’ll be doing a month from now. 1// In exactly…

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  • WIAW: Sister’s Birthday Weekend October 22, 2014

    Hello everyone! I’m linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday. This Monday was my younger sister’s 20th birthday, so for the weekend my parents came to visit us and celebrate. As most of you understand, when family or friends come to visit your healthy…

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  • WIAW: Sister's Birthday Weekend October 22, 2014

    Hello everyone! I’m linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday. This Monday was my younger sister’s 20th birthday, so for the weekend my parents came to visit us and celebrate. As most of you understand, when family or friends come to visit your healthy…

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  • Weekend in Pictures\\ Pumpkins & Horchata September 30, 2014

    This weekend I went to Roswell to meet up with my mom and my best friend from high school along with her mom. It was a nice get away for me since my life has been a little more lame than it used to be.…

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  • Weekend in Pictures\\ Pumpkins & Horchata September 30, 2014

    This weekend I went to Roswell to meet up with my mom and my best friend from high school along with her mom. It was a nice get away for me since my life has been a little more lame than it used to be.…

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  • WIAW: Solo Weekend September 24, 2014

    Linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday! This weekend I spent mostly by myself so here’s an insight to what I ate and the thought processes that went into these sometimes laborious decisions. During the week I eat pretty healthy, but weekends are when…

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  • Thinking Out Loud after Labor Day September 4, 2014

    Hello everyone! Today is Thursday so that means I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. I thought I’d catch up on a few things from Labor Day weekend through pictures with hopefully small amounts of text. Sometimes my fingers just can’t…

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  • WIAW: Spaghetti Squash & Bagels August 27, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday. It’s been awhile since I last did a WIAW since my blog move, so I’m going to briefly cover the weekend and a few things from last week. For breakfast lately I’ve…

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