
  • How BBB week 7 killed my arms February 25, 2013

    The title explains it. Overall, week 7 of best body bootcamp truly killed my arms. They were like jello. I had difficulties taking off my hoodies and t-shirts even. You want to see why? I’m going to show you. Strength workouts A & B had 10 reps of a strength move with 20 seconds of a cardio burst like high knees or pulse squats. This move started the burning in…

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  • BBB Week 3 & Iced Coffee January 26, 2013

    This week concludes the third week of Best Body Bootcamp and probably has been the most challenging so far. I finally decided on my workout schedule and have been going to the gym on campus at 6 am when it opens. If you go later…

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  • BBB Week 3 & Iced Coffee January 26, 2013

    This week concludes the third week of Best Body Bootcamp and probably has been the most challenging so far. I finally decided on my workout schedule and have been going to the gym on campus at 6 am when it opens. If you go later…

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  • It’s a Pitch Perfect Monday January 15, 2013

    Today is the last Monday of my winter break. Ahhh soo sad, but in a way I’m ready for break to be over. I need some routine back in my life. I made a list on Sunday of all the great things I wanted to…

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  • It's a Pitch Perfect Monday January 15, 2013

    Today is the last Monday of my winter break. Ahhh soo sad, but in a way I’m ready for break to be over. I need some routine back in my life. I made a list on Sunday of all the great things I wanted to…

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  • Hello 2013 January 2, 2013

    I really can’t believe it’s January 1st of 2013, but it is. Of course everyone knows that New Year’s Resolutions never last and that you always forget about them, so decided to start out the year by forgetting about making resolutions. I typically do make…

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