
  • January Favorites January 30, 2015

    I can’t believe January has come and gone, but that’s how it always goes isn’t it. January truly has been a month of “new” for me. So I’m going to share with you some favorites from this month. Job//I got a new job! I’m the new…

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  • Why I'm Struggling With Blogging January 19, 2015

    As a writer I have a love/hate relationship with the white blank page. Whether that white blank page is my computer screen with the cursor blinking or a white blank page in one of my journals, writing can be tough. Writing for the purpose of…

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  • Why I’m Struggling With Blogging January 19, 2015

    As a writer I have a love/hate relationship with the white blank page. Whether that white blank page is my computer screen with the cursor blinking or a white blank page in one of my journals, writing can be tough. Writing for the purpose of…

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  • Understanding the Netflix Binge November 17, 2014

    I had never really understood where people found the time or desire to spend hours watching Netflix. This act is commonly known as a “Netflix Binge.” Throughout college I didn’t even have time to watch TV. Honestly I didn’t. I always had homework to be…

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  • Why You Need to Go Self-Hosted November 3, 2014

    So you started a blog and now aspire of growing your blog. However you’re still hosted through WordPress or Blogger (meaning you have .wordpress after your name). That’s great and it’s free, but if your blog is going to be more than just a little…

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  • My Biggest Long Term Dreams October 24, 2014

    I saw this blog prompt today over at Hello Neverland and knew it was something I could easily blog about. I’m at a weird place where I don’t know what I’ll be doing in the short-term future meaning in about 2 months. However, I easily…

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  • How I’m Failing At Blogging September 18, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. These are some thoughts I’ve had about blogging lately. Just to clarify I’m not having a pity party, but instead poking a bit of fun at myself. I was dumb and let my…

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  • How I'm Failing At Blogging September 18, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. These are some thoughts I’ve had about blogging lately. Just to clarify I’m not having a pity party, but instead poking a bit of fun at myself. I was dumb and let my…

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  • To Be Used For Beauty September 8, 2014

    Take these hands. I know they’re empty, but with you I can be used for beauty in your perfect plan for all I am is yours.     As we sung the lyrics to this song during worship at church on Sunday I felt them resonate…

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  • Finding My Blog Identity July 8, 2014

    I’ve known for awhile that I needed to become self-hosted. This weekend bluehost was having a great deal so I new I needed to take the next step for my blog. Well I took the step and this little blonde brain didn’t think too much…

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